Welcome to Dr. L Ribas-Deulofeu's website

Visit the various pages of my website to discover who I am, my research projects & published works.
Wishing you a nice visit here.

Recent activities

June 2024:

New publication

Rapid shift in benthic assemblages following coral bleaching at an upper mesophotic habitat in Taiwan. 10.1007/s12526-024-01445-5

April-May 2024:

Talks at

KIOST-ICM Symposium on Integrated Technology Exchange for Monitoring of Deep-sea Environment & Ecosystem (Busan, South Korea)

2024 Ocean Sciences Conferences (Beipu, Taiwan)

March 2024:

New publication

Top-down control of climate on long-term interactions between fires, tree-cover and soil erosion in a Mediterranean mountain, Corsica. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.108602

February 2024:

New publication

The vertical distribution of Alveopora japonica provides insight into the characteristics and factors controlling population expansion at Jeju Island off the south coast of Korea. 10.1007/s12526-024-01418-8

January 2024:

New website section

Dataset: Description and direct links to data repositories (Dryad, GitHub, etc.)


Discover here some of my showcased projects:


Taiwanese Reefs

Discover the amazing diversity of coral ecosystems present in Taiwan

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Have a look at some fossil reefs & corals from Taiwan

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Marginal Coral Communities

Discover Jeju Island under the ongoing climate change

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